On October 4th, 2004 members of the Uniformed Firefighters Association (IAFF Local 94) visited Mendota on a cross country bike tour to benefit the UFA Widows & Children's Fund. A dinner co-sponsored by Local 4200 was held in their honor and they spent the night at Fire Station #1. Approximately $4000 was raised for the fund. It was a pleasure and an honor to have our brothers at our home away from home. These were the most down to earth guys you could ever meet. Many shared their stories about 9-11. Our thoughts and prayers will always be with our fallen brothers.


Mendota Fire Fighters Local 4200 will sponsor a youth soccer team for the second consecutive year. Although the league doesn't give trophies for 1st place the Local's team was the only one to go undefeated for the entire season last year. Good luck this year Fire Fighters Local 4200!!!


It is the mission of the Mendota Fire Fighters Local 4200 to preserve the current high level of fire protection and emergency medical services to both the citizens of Mendota and the residents of the Mendota / Troy Grove Rural Fire Protection District.

It is further the goal and objective of Local 4200 to protect the interests, hours, wages, benefits and working conditions of each and every member of our organization. To this end we will loyally commit our time, energies and resources.

4200 logo

Local Officers

Terry M. Eutis


Randy O. Simpson


Brian J. Fisher

Contact Us

Contact the Local: IAFF4200@mtco.com

Terry Eutis: teutis@mendotafire.com

Randy Simpson: randy@mendotafire.com

Brian Fisher: brian@mendotafire.com

Lonny Eisenberg: lonny@mendotafire.com


International Association of Fire Fighters www.iaff.org

Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois www.affi-iaff.org

Illinois Valley Federation of Labor www.illinoisvalleyaflcio.org

Illinois AFL-CIO www.ilafl-cio.org

Mendota Fire Department www.mendotafire.com